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Evaluate a job offer
You’ve been offered the job! All your hard work has paid off and you’ve received the call you were hoping to get. But, is the offer what you were expecting?
Are the salary and benefits in line with both what you applied for, and what you had in mind? Just because you’ve been offered a job doesn’t mean you’re in any way obligated to accept. There are a number of factors to consider before saying yes or no.
Most, although not all jobs, list the salary in the application, so you’ll have had a rough idea of what to expect before you even applied. Is what you’ve been offered in this range? Is it what you expected to be offered? And most importantly, is it enough money for you? If the offer isn’t what you wanted or expected you don’t have to turn the job down. You can always see if the company has any room for negotiation. Be confident enough to know what your skills and experience are worth. It might be that the company can enhance the benefits package, if they’re unable to increase the salary.
Check out our 2023 Professional Services Salary Guide for information on salary averages for a range of roles.
On top of salary, companies usually offer extras to entice staff. Things like pension, private medical insurance, holidays and maternity and paternity leave are legal requirements. However, lots of companies are going over and above in order to attract the best candidates. For example, we found that 39% of employers offer maternity and paternity leave above the legal requirement. Take the time to review what benefits you’re being offered and how they rank against competitors.
You can find more information on typical benefits employers offer in our 2023 Salary Guide and Search Wellbeing report.
The job itself
During the interview process the representatives of the company should have given you more information about what the job actually entails. Job adverts can often be quite generic, so you might be in a hiring process when you’re not 100% sure what the job involves. If you have any doubts or need more information, make sure you ask the recruiter or hiring manager for clarification. Once you have all the information you need, it’s important to take the time to consider whether you can see yourself carrying out the job? Is it what you were looking for originally? Will you enjoy it? These are all factors to consider before making a decision.
The company culture
This is something that you’ll have picked up partly from the job advert, and your research on the company. The interview process will also have given you much more insight into the company culture, values and the employer’s or your team’s working style. Make sure you’re clear about their values, mission and vision so you can understand whether it aligns to your own ethics and aspirations.